Feldmann, Claus, Prof. Dr.



Professor (W3), Chair for Inorganic Chemistry


Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)

Institute of Inorganic Chemistry

Engesserstraße 15, 76131 Karlsruhe


Tel.: 0721 608-42855

E-Mail: claus.feldmann∂kit.edu


University training and degree

Chemistry, University of Bonn, Diploma
(supervised by Prof. Dr. Martin Jansen)

1985 - 1991
Advanced academic qualifications

Habilitation: Venia legendi in Inorganic Chemistry, RWTH Aachen
(mentored by Prof. Dr. Richard Dronskowski)


Doctorate: Inorganic Chemistry, University of Bonn
(supervised by Prof. Dr. Martin Jansen)

Postgraduate professional career

W3-Professorship offered at Leibniz-University at Hannover, declined


W3-Professorship for Inorganic Chemistry, KIT


W3-Professorship offered at Humboldt-University at Berlin, declined


Full-Professorship offered at University of Zürich, Switzerland, declined


C4-Professorship offered at University of Ulm, declined


C4-Professorship for Inorganic Chemistry, TH Karlsruhe


C4-Professorship offered at University of Konstanz, declined


Research Scientist and, from 2001, Senior Scientist at Philips Research Laboratories, Aachen / Eindhoven, Germany / The Netherlands

1996 - 2003

Postdoctoral Fellow, Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart, Germany

1995 - 1996

Elected member of DFG Review Board

since 2020

Member of the Editorial Board of “Journal of Materials Chemistry B”

since 2019

Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry

since 2017

Head of the Laboratory for Electron Microscopy (commisonary)

2021 - 2023

Member of the “Alfred-Stock-Award” and “Wilhelm-Klemm-Award” Selection Committee of the GDCh

2015 - 2023

Member of ERC Review Board

2015 - 2019

Member of the Editorial Board of “Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie”

since 2015

Spokesperson of the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry

since 2012

Member of the Editorial Board of “Nanoscale”

2010 - 2018

Member of the Editorial Board (Kuratorium) of “Angewandte Chemie“

2010 - 2018

Vice Dean of the Faculty for Chemistry and Life Sciences

2005 - 2008

Board member of the “Center of Functional Nanostructures (CFN)” of the DFG

2003 - 2015

Friedrich-Wilhelm-Award of the RWTH Aachen


H.C. Starck-Award of the GDCh