Innovative Minds and Inclusive Science:

Annie Powell’s 65th Birthday – Celebrating Diversity in Science


This symposium is dedicated to Prof Annie Powell on the occasion of her 65th Birthday and aims to honour her scientific achievements through presentations by long-standing collaborators and friends. Since Annie has always had a very international group and was always open for international collaboration this symposium will feature guests from all around the globe. To make it accessible to everyone it is organised as a hybrid meeting.

A career in science is challenging for anyone, especially when facing issues related to gender and ethnicity. Those who know Annie recognize her strong commitment to equality and diversity. This dedication is evident in her research group, which includes members from a wide range of religious, ethnic, and gender backgrounds. Therefore, it is her wish that part of this meeting will be dedicated to discussion of diversity in academic and scientific endeavours.

A major starting point for the extensive use of 4f ions in molecular magnetism was the discovery of a Dy3 triangle in Annie’s group which shows a toroidal moment and is the archetype of Single Molecule Toroics (SMTs). Since then the field of 4f chemistry has become a paradigm for future technologies based on these elements as reflected in a DFG funded Collaborative Research Centre called “4f for Future” which brings together 18 groups focused on advancing both scientific research and gender equality in this field.

Flyer for the symposium



This event takes place withing the context of CRC 1573


  • Invited Talks (IT) are 25min + 5min for discussion
  • Contributed Talks (CT) are 12min + 3min for discussion
  • Flash Talks (FT) are 4min + 1min for discussion

Monday 21. 10. 2024

8:30 Bus Departure at Campus South
9:00 Registration
10:00 Welcome by Organizers
10:10 Welcome Speech by Annie Powell
10:40 Special Lecture by Sharali Malik - Birthday video messages by people who cannot attend
11:00 Coffee break

Session 1 Chair: George Kostakis

11:30 IT 1: Sally Brooker
12:00 CT 1: Jürgen Schnack
12:15 CT 2: Jinkui Tang
12:30 CT 3: Rüdiger Klingeler
12:45 CT 4: Grace Morgan
13:00 Lunch

Session 2 Chair: Sriram Sundaresan

14:00 IT 2: Alessandro Soncini
14:30 CT 5: Oliver Townrow
14:45 CT 6: Mauro Perfetti
15:00 CT 7: Irina Kühne
15:15 CT 8: Claus Feldmann
15:30 CT 9: Birgit Weber
15:45 CT 10: George Kostakis
16:00 Coffee Break

Session 3.1 Chair: Birgit Weber

16:30 IT 3: Joris van Slageren
17:00 CT 11: Ulrich Kortz
17:15 CT 12: Sanjit Nayak
17:30 FT 1: Konstantis Konidaris
17:35 FT 2: Alexander Hinz

Session 3.2 Chair: Annie Powell

17:45 FT 3: Schirin Hanf
17:50 FT 4: Eufemio Morena-Pineda
17:55 CT 13: Mario Ruben
18:10 CT 14: Oliver Waldmann
18:25 CT 15: Andreas-Neil Unterreiner
18:40 - 20:00 Reception in INT Foyer and Poster Session
20:30 Bus Departure at Campus North

Tuesday 22. 10. 2024

Diversity Session: Christian Pachl/Umaira Shuaib
9:00 Bus Departure at Campus South
10:00 Ines Köhler: Cognitive Bias - How unconscious beliefs affect our work (and what to do about it)
11:00 To be announced
11:30 Break-out sessions
12:45 Conclusions on Diversity
13:00 Lunch Break

4f4f Highlights Session Chair: Eufemio Moreno-Pineda
14:00 IT 4: Stefanie Dehnen
14:30 IT 5: Karin Fink
15:00 IT 6: Peter Roesky
15:30 Coffee Break

Session 4 Chair: Irina Kühne
16:00 CT 16: Madhu Thomas
16:15 CT 17: Denis Prodius
16:30 CT 18: Stefan Bräse
16:45 CT 19: Lapo Bogani
17:00 IT 7: Annie Powell
18:00 Bus Departure at Campus North
18:30 Conference Dinner in KA

Logo of the Royal Society of Chemistry

Thank you to the Royal Society of Chemistry for contributing to this event!



Institute of Nanotechnology
KIT Campus North
Building 640
Hermann-von Helmholtz Platz 1
76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen

For more Information, click here:

Click here to go to the INT Website for more information on how to get to the venue.
Location of INT at the KIT Campus North

Location of the INT at KIT-Campus North

Location of KIT Campus North near Karlsruhe

Location of KIT Campus North near Karlsruhe


  • You need to register at the south gate at the registration desk to get access to the compound.
  • Follow the main street north until you are close the water tower.
  • INT will be to your right hand side.
  • Go to the front entrance which is between the white and red part of the building. You will walk directly to the foyer and lecture hall.

If you need help to get to the building or need further instructions, please let us know: Email Icon. Click here to get to the contact form.

Flyer for the symposium